1. My sister's wedding. Although it rained, and was windy, and overall worse weather than we had in November, it was a beautiful day. Weddings are such wonderful and joyful occasions, and Elizabeth and Aaron truly had a memorable day.
2. French onion soup. It is my favorite soup, hands down. I made it once last year, and Stephen and I tackled it again this fall. It really is ridiculously easy and fairly healthful (alright, low in calories). I am sure a night on the couch watching a movie followed our soup feast. Here is my favorite recipe. Now I am not sure how traditionalist people are about the cheese that goes into the soup, but in my experience there is nothing better than a good Swiss cheese.
3. Fall colors. I love when the leaves change colors. Because of our unfortunately dry summer, we were graced with beautiful leaves this fall. Silver lining, huh? This year I was able to enjoy them in Door County, for my sister's wedding, at our friends wedding in Rockton, IL. The leaves were spectacular.
4.Sherman Alexie. Look him up, read his work, run to the next event he has in your town. If you like to laugh, you will love him. If you enjoy reading works that are thought provoking yet accessible, read him. And if you like getting outside your bubble for a new and culturally diverse view point, read everything he has ever written. Stephen and I were able to see him speak for two hours at the public library, and it was not long enough. And we laughed...and laughed...and laughed.
5. Crisp runs. Fall gives way to cooler weather, which is more enjoyable for this runner. In particular, I remember one, lovely 5 mile run along the lake, to Lake Park, and back. Another highlight, the Shorewood Fowl 5k. We didn't win a turkey, or duck, or chicken, but we ran for our community!
6. Thanksgiving. The day and the sentiment. Fall really encourages thought--looking back, taking stock. Another year gone by and so much to be thankful for. Stephen and I were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with both our families throughout the Thanksgiving weekend. And we ate. A LOT.
Alright with those