Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Soft Pretzel Bites

I haven't posted about any recipes in a while, so I will share my most recent food experiment. On Super Bowl Sunday I made soft pretzel bites, with the help of my mother-in-law. I had pinned the recipe on Pinterest and once I made a new year's resolution to bake more bread, I knew I had to try it.

I used this recipe. In its original incarnation, it is an Alton Brown recipe. It turned out deliciously! 

Keep in mind that adding baking soda to the water is necessary for boiling at not too high of a temperature, but it will make a mess of your stove top. Also, bake for a few extra minutes if you like the pretzels crispy. The cheese sauce, while a little intense to make, is made with all real ingredients and reheats like a dream if you want to make the sauce and reheat. Finally, it is a little tedious make all the "bites," but I don't know if a different size bite would work with the dough and/or recipe.

I apologize for not taking any pictures, but they were gone before the power went out in the Superdome!

For those of you keeping score at home, I have now baked 3 times with yeast! How are your 2013 resolutions going?

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