Friday, March 22, 2013

A Recent Project - Homemade Goldfish

One night this week I decided I wanted to make homemade goldfish crackers. Stephen goes through about a bag a week--they are his office snack. I guess I thought if they were fun to make, delicious, and obviously less processed than the original (sorry, Pepperidge farms) then it would be a win all around.

I used this recipe and the dough was very easy to make. After I finished baking our dinner I left the oven on and rolled out the dough.

Yes, we do own a rolling pin. At this moment in time, I can't find it. I packed it away somewhere safe because we never used it. Well, I have needed a rolling pin twice this week and it can't be found. Luckily, we drink wine, so the bottle was a pretty smooth substitute.

After rolling out the dough we reached my least favorite part. Cutting out the crackers. I used a little metal circle the size of a bottle cap. THIS PART WAS TEDIOUS. And because the dough has a lot of cheese in it, I got a little greasy. This endeavor reminded me of why I hate cut-out cookies. Thank goodness I didn't have to frost these crackers after they came out of the ove.

I don't have any pictures of the finished product, but they were delicious and smelled wonderful baking. I don't think I will be baking these regularly to feed my husband's goldfish habit. I might, however, bake them when I have a craving for a cheesy snack. I have never been a fan of the "fake" cheese variety (Cheezits, Goldfish, etc.) but I know these snacks have 8 oz. of pure cheddar!

This recipe reinforced that just because you can make something from scratch doesn't mean you should. Yes, you have to eat dinner every night but you don't have to eat a baked cracker snack. I think my sweet spot for recipes is more in the lunch/dinner area, however, I just might make these again for the right occasion.

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