Sunday, April 1, 2012

Little Superheroes

Last night Stephen and I put on our aunt and uncle hats and babysat our niece and nephew. The time went so quickly, mostly because they go to bed at 8 pm and when that includes dinner and brand new capes, time just flies.

Yes, I said brand new capes. 

Superheroes Grace and Luke
A family friend is incredibly crafty and posted a how-to on her blog, Cameron Homemade. While I enjoy some crafts, sewing is not my forte. So, I commissioned Cammie. She made some wonderful capes that reflected both kids' styles.

The best part was showing up for the night and having a surprise for the kids. At first, they were excited and moved on to other toys. All of sudden, they both put on their capes and played church, superheroes, and Darth Vader. All three games required the capes. I can't tell you how many times I was attacked by a hooded Darth Vader last night...

Here are my darlings last night:
Yesterday was also a big day because we saw Hunger Games - I will try to write more on that later. Until then, remember what it was like as a little kid playing with sheet sand blankets and all the fun you would have pretending!

1 comment:

  1. My babysitting adventure did not go quite as well as yours! I'm sure Aurelia will be easier (or harder...) when she gets a little older and can play games. I'm looking forward to seeing Hunger Games as well!
